Anthony Ramsey
Dr. Patton
SLC 101
29 August 2019

Self Assessment #1

       The relational leadership model is a unique way for leaders to lead and to approach group dynamics as a whole. This model has several different facets that allows a leader to lead in a way which will successfully complete their agenda. Personally before my current experiences with this class I had no previous knowledge of the relational leadership model. Despite this reality, I still believe I have a good grounding in this model because I portray some of the qualities of a leader who follows it. I think I understand how to implement each segment of the model because within my dealings as a leader, I try to make sure that all people under my charge know that they matter and that their opinions are heard. Mostly I know I use each side of the relational leadership model with purpose. The only part that I think I need to work on is empowerment. I know how to empower others, but when it comes to understanding power and its dynamics I am not too keen on understanding the way that power evolves and moves between multiple leaders.
To me each characteristic of the relational leadership model is unique in its own way and can be used to complete a certain group goal. For a leader to be purposeful, they have discovered a group goal and have a set route to complete it. The leader not only has a goal in mind but it is a common agreed upon objective that will somehow positively affect the people working on the target and those that it is meant to impact. Next follows inclusiveness. A leader who is inclusive is one who allows any and all people who are involved in the group to speak their minds and work to successfully conclude the project. Equity and diversity, I believe, is the most important facet of the relational leadership model. This is because without these two traits people feel uninvolved and unimportant. If a leader is unable to include all people no matter the creed, religion, sex, race, or sexual orientation, the end product will not satisfy the needs of the many but of only the few. To be an empowering leader one must embody these two facets. The leader must know themselves and be confident in themselves. Not only that but they must be able to make a space that allows all members to feel a commonality in their goal and feel comfortable bringing to the table what they have to offer. Fourthly a good leader is ethical. What it means to be an ethical leader is that your actions are moral and just and they adhere to a certain standard that is acceptable. Lastly a proper leader is process oriented. This means that the leader is focused on a goal and uses the group’s energy to make a difference.
When assessing myself as a leader I believe I am most capable at being inclusive, purposeful, ethical, and empowering. I think I am inclusive because my own philosophies include being a person who accepts and tries to understand people who are different than me no matter who they might be. I am purposeful because I listen more than I speak and I allow other’s voices to be heard. I am empowering because I understand myself and my leadership style and use all people’s talents to allow progress to be made. Lastly I am ethical because I know what I believe, I live up to it, and I act justly when it comes to decision making. Conversely, I don’t believe I am the strongest when it comes to being process oriented. This is because I am not the most successful at understanding people and how they work together. This may appear to be a menial reason but when someone does not understand how the gears of the machine works, they will not know how to fix it when it breaks.
By the time this class has concluded and the year is over, I intend to be more fluent in the relational leadership model. I’m hoping that both the purpose of the village and of the service action proposal will show me the ever present strong and weak points that I have. This, I know is the only way for me to continue to expand on the relational leadership model. The more I know about myself the better suited I will be to continue to work to become more rounded and present as a leader.